
In the digital age, who you are online is not only a reflection of who you are in the real world., but it is often the first impression you will make on people. Think about that in the context of potential customers or clients ā€“ itā€™s super important! Therefore, it is imperative that you take control of your online appearance. You always need to be in the driver's seat when it comes to what information people can find and how easily they can find it.

BlueIvy Communications has launched their Business Optimization Speaker Series (BOSS), a series of guest speakers that will discuss specific topics in business of which founders and entrepreneurs should be aware. The series will be moderated by BlueIvy Founder and President, Melissa Perlman and the first event will be held on Thursday, May 4th at 6pm in West Palm Beach at 1909 and feature Michael Pike, Managing Partner of Pike & Lustig LLP.

Media Training teaches individuals to coherently and effectively interact with reporters, journalists, and other members of the media during interviews and press conferences. This will prevent you or your spokesperson from being quoted out of context in the media because of poor training in public speaking, lack of clarity, and miscommunication.

By Melissa Perlman, President and Founder of BlueIvy Communications The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) with the capability to quickly cull the ā€¦

Digital marketing has become an essential method of reaching your clients and customers. We often speak to business owners or leaders who know they need to have a presence online, but donā€™t quite know how to get there. According to BusinessWire, there were 5.3 billion internet users and 4.62 billion social media users worldwide in 2022. That is up 10% from 2021.

Our Week at The One

Last week, the BlueIvy team was lucky enough to be invited to spend the week working from The One Cowork in Boca Raton. Their facility is located in the Sanctuary Centre business park off Federal Highway, which is also home to several on-site cafes & restaurants. However, we really didnā€™t have to worry about getting any outside food ā€“ more on that later!

Clients often ask the BlueIvy team whether or not they should post blogs on their websites. The answer is often yes, but the real question they should be asking is whether their staff should write the blogs. Unless a company associate has dedicated blogging experience, the answer is likely ā€œno.ā€

Clients often ask the BlueIvy team whether or not they should post blogs on their websites. The answer is often yes, but the real question they should be asking is whether their staff should write the blogs. Unless a company associate has dedicated blogging experience, the answer is likely ā€œno.ā€

BlueIvy Communications, a Delray Beach based public relations and communications agency, partnered with the Greater Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce in February ā€¦